The T-scan is a new device and there are approximately 36 installations in 17 countries around the world. T-scans are currently installed in Germany, France, Monaco, Austria, Luxembourg, England, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Brazil, Costa Rica, Taiwan, Philippines, Cyprus, Kuwait, Russia, the United States, Korea, and Israel.
Clinical studies with T-scan are currently in progress:
- In Germany: University of Jena, University of Munich Klinikum Grosshadern, University of Berlin Charite-Virchow, University of Frankfurt, University of Tübingen, Krankenhaus St. Barbara Gladbeck
- In Austria: University of Vienna
- In Italy: Instituto de Tumori
- In Brazil: Centro de Estudos e Pesquisas da Mulher
- In Taiwan: Veteran's General
- In Monaco: Centre d'Imagerie Medicale
- In France: Hosp St Louis Paris, Brignoles, SCM Imagerie Medicale Ajaccio
- In England: Herts & Beds London, Breast Screening Center Humberside
- In Costa Rica: Clinica Santa Fe
- In Spain : Clinica Uni de Navarra
- In Philippines: Makati Medical Center
- In Kuwait: Sabah Hospital
- In Cyprus: Private Clinic Nocosia
- In the U.S: Elizabeth Wende Breast Center (New York), Drs. Lichey and Kolb (New York); Georgetown Medical Center (Washington DC); Hackensack Medical Center (New Jersey), Indianapolis Breast Center (Indiana); Alexander Walt Breast Center (Detroit, Michigan); Chilton Memorial Hospital (New Jersey); Moffitt Cancer Center (Tampa, Florida).
Updated: December 12, 2000