The Women's Health Resource. On the web since 1997.

National Breast Cancer Coalition Events

The National Breast Cancer Coalition is a grassroots advocacy organization dedicated to fighting breast cancer. The organization was formed in 1991 with the mission to eradicate breast cancer through action and advocacy. The National Breast Cancer Coalition sponsors several events throughout the year to raise money for breast cancer awareness.

Scroll down to view event dates throughout the United States. Please visit the National Breast Cancer Coalition for more information:

April 2001

Saturday, April 28
Spokane, Washington
Cart/Riding trail
Riverside State Park
Contact or 509.238.5073
June 2001

Monday, June 11
Los Angeles, California
Second Annual Celebrity Golf Tournament
The Riviera Country Club
Contact Lana Bilyeu, 202.973.0591
October 2001

Thursday, October 25
San Francisco Gala
Details TBA

Updated: April 09, 2001