- Breast Calcifications on CD-ROM by
Gilda Cardenosa, MD
- Breast Disease: A Problem-Based Approach by J. Michael Dixon,
Monica Morrow
- Breast Imaging (Breast Disease Series) by E. D. Pisano, MD (Editor)
- Breast Imaging: Second Edition on CD-ROM (For Windows
and Macintosh) by Daniel B. Kopans, MD
- Breast Imaging Companion by Gilda Cardenosa
- Breast Imaging: Medical/Legal Issues (CD-ROM for
Windows & Macintosh)
by R. James Brenner, MD, JD, FACR, FCLM
- Breast Imaging by Daniel B. Kopans, MD
- Breast Ultrasound: A Systematic Approach to Technique
and Image Interpretationby Christof Sohn, Jens-U. Blohmer, Ulrike M. Hamper
- Contrast Enhanced MRI of the Breast (Medical
Radiology-Diagnostic Imaging and Radiation Oncology) by S.
H. Heywang-Kobrunner, R. Beck
- Diagnostic Breast Imaging: Mammography, Sonography,
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, and Interventional Procedures by Sylvia H.
Heywang-Kobrunner, Ingrid Schreer, D. David Dershaw
- Diagnostic Ultrasound (2 Volume Set)
by Carol M. Rumack, Stephanie R. Wilson (Editor), J. William Charboneau
- Digital Mammography '96 by K. Doi
- Digital Mammography: Nijmegen, 1998 (Computational
Imaging and Vision, V. 13) by Nico Karssemeijer (Editor), Martin Thijssen
(Editor), Jan Hendriks (Editor)
- Ductography (CD-ROM) by Gilda Cardeonsa, MD
- Mammographic Appearances/Les Images Mammographiques by A. Willemin (Bilingual Text, English and French)
- Mammographic Image Analysis: Computational Imaging and
Vision (Computational Imaging and Vision, V. 14) by Ralph Highnam, Michael Brady
- Mammographic Interpretation: A Practical Approach by Marc J. Homer,
Edward A. Sickles (Introduction)
- Mammographic Technology & Physics, Making Sense of
the Science by
Ward Parsons, MD, RT
- Mammography Examine Review by Deborah Phlipot
- Mammography for Radiologic Technologists by Gini Wentz, Ward C. Parsons,
MD (Contributor)
- Management of Patients at High Risk for Breast Cancer by Victor G. Vogel MD
- A Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests by Frances Fischbach
- MGHeCases in Breast Imaging: Pearls & Pointers
(CD-ROM for Windows, Individual Version) by Daniel Kopans, MD